ETS-Lindgren Announces Technical Contributions to AMTA 2024 – Industry’s Leading Symposium on Antenna Measurement Techniques

CEDAR PARK, Texas, October 17, 2024 – ETS-Lindgren announced its technical contributions to AMTA 2024, the Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA). The Symposium, hosted by Resonant Sciences with help from the Air Force Institute of Technology, will be held in person from October 27 to November 1 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center​ ​in the greater​ Cincinnati, Ohio,​ ​area. ETS-Lindgren’s contributions include presentations and research papers on varied topics documenting the company’s expertise in Wireless, Over-the-Air (OTA), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), and Radio Frequency (RF)/Microwave Test and Measurement System Solutions. ETS-Lindgren is proud to be a Bronze Sponsor of AMTA 2024.

The presentations contributed by ETS-Lindgren begin with the popular “Boot Camp” on Sunday, October 27, from 8:00 am to 5:20 pm. This program addresses the fundamentals of RF- and antenna-related measurements with lectures complemented by live demonstrations. ETS-Lindgren’s Zhong Chen, Chief Engineer, will speak on and present a demonstration of “EMI/EMC Measurements.” Janet O’Neil, Customer Relations Manager with ETS-Lindgren, will present during the Women in Engineering Reception on Tuesday, October 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. This event at AMTA 2024 is sponsored by ETS-Lindgren.

The research papers contributed by ETS-Lindgren will be presented in several sessions, including:

·     Tuesday, October 29, Session 6: Antenna Measurements I, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  From 11:00 to 11:20 am, Mr. Chen will present the paper he co-authored with Yibo Wang, RF Engineer with ETS-Lindgren, A Numerical Investigation of the Application of Compressed Sensing in Cylindrical Mode Filtering for Far-Field Antenna Measurements.” This paper continues the research discussed in the paperNovel Application of Compressed Sensing in Cylindrical Mode Filtering for Far-Field Antenna Measurements,” co-authored by Mr. Chen, Stuart Gregson with Next Phase Measurements and Queen Mary University London, and Mr. Wang, which received the Best Paper Award, 1st Place, at the AMTA 2023 Annual Meeting and Symposium.

·     Wednesday, October 30, Session 10: Antenna Measurements II, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. From 10:00 to 10:20 am, Mr. Wang will present the paper “Effects of Reference Point Selection on Gain Extrapolation Methods,” co-authored by Mr. Chen. 

·     Thursday, October 31, Session 15: Advanced Antenna Measurements, from 1:30 to 2:50 pm. From 1:50 to 2:10 pm, Michael Christopher, Director, Software Engineering with ETS-Lindgren, will present the paper “Over-the-Air Performance Evaluation of NB-IoT Over Non-Terrestrial Networks” for primary author Jun Luo, ETS-Lindgren’s Principal Software Engineer. Co-authors of the paper include Mr. Christopher; Edwin Mendivil, ETS-Lindgren’s Principal RF Engineer; Laura Burris, ETS-Lindgren’s Technical Software Writer; and Dayan Gao, Wireless OTA Solution Consultant.

As a member of the 2024 Technical Program Committee and recognized as an AMTA Fellow, Mr. Chen also acted as a reviewer for the AMTA Symposium papers in addition to lending his expertise as Chair of Session 4: Near-Field Measurements I, scheduled for Monday, October 28, from 3:30 to 4:50 pm.

During AMTA’s popular “Student Day” program on Tuesday, October 29, ETS-Lindgren’s James Young, Director, Wireless Solutions, will present a live demonstration showcasing the test flexibility of the AMS-5709, a reach-in portable FR2/FR3 SISO and MIMO chamber. Students will learn about automated SISO passive antenna pattern measurements and how to convert the chamber between test modes and frequency ranges. Mr. Young will present this demonstration in ETS-Lindgren’s Booth #312 from 3:30 to 4:00 pm for Student Day participants as well as on Monday, October 28, from 3:00 to 3:30 pm for Symposium attendees.

Please visit ETS-Lindgren in Booth #312 during the AMTA Exhibition held on October 28 to 30 to discuss our papers with our experts. Visitors can also learn about our latest products and services.  In addition to our industry-leading Extra-High Performance Microwave Absorber and our popular Model 3164-08, Open-Boundary Quad-Ridged Horn Antenna, as mentioned above, visitors can see Model AMS-5709 – the latest test environment in ETS-Lindgren’s family of Antenna Measurement Systems. This MIMO OTA Test System allows repeatable measurements of radiated performance of millimeter wave wireless devices and chipsets in a simulated multi-path environment to emulate real-world conditions for debugging and performance verification. Model AMS-5709 supports a generation of spatial field structures similar to those seen in a wide variety of scenarios found in everyday life. Standard conducted channel models can be adapted to equivalent radiated spatial channel models for evaluation of the entire device signal chain including antennas as well as device platform on device performance. Visitors to ETS-Lindgren’s Booth #312 can witness a live demonstration of Model AMS-5709 and learn about the optional test packages available to evaluate downlink FR2 MIMO performance and FR2 MIMO antenna design.

The AMTA Exhibition will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday, October 28; from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:30 to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, October 29; and from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 30.

Did you know ETS-Lindgren is the leading manufacturer of RF and Microwave turnkey systems for Government/Aerospace, Automotive, and Wireless applications? Our diverse absorber product line is well known for its durability, high performance, non-hygroscopic design, and high-power handling capabilities. The educational brochure “Top 10Anechoic Absorber Considerations for RF and Microwave Applications” provides helpful information on how to select the right absorber for the application.

For longer than 75 years, ETS-Lindgren has been manufacturing a wide range of products renowned for setting the research, development, production, and service standards of the wireless, EMC, and RF/microwave test and measurement industries. Having the proven technical depth expected of an industry leader with more than 50,000 RF Shielded installations worldwide, ETS-Lindgren guides our customers to optimal Test and Measurement Solutions for their specific product applications. Rest assured that we will provide continued support through our six manufacturing factories and team of more than 750 employees worldwide. Let us assist you with your test system requirements by calling +1 (512) 531-6400, sending an email to, or visiting our booth at the AMTA 2024 Symposium. 

For more information on the AMTA 2024 Symposium, click here. For more information on the AMTA organization, click here.

About ETS-Lindgren

ETS-Lindgren is an international manufacturer of components and systems that measure, shield, and control electromagnetic and acoustic energy. The company’s products are used for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), microwave, wireless, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) testing, electromagnetic field (EMF) measurement, radio frequency (RF) personal safety monitoring, and control of acoustic environments.

Headquartered in Cedar Park, Texas, ETS-Lindgren has manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ESCO Technologies, a leading supplier of engineered products for growing industrial and commercial markets. ESCO is a New York Stock Exchange listed company (symbol ESE) with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Additional information about ETS-Lindgren is available at Follow ETS-Lindgren on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and YouTube. Additional information about ESCO and its subsidiaries is available at



Omar Webb

Content Coordinator


Office: +1 (512) 531-2672