San Diego Test Equipment Symposium Features ETS-Lindgren Presentation and Live Demo

CEDAR PARK, Texas – October 3, 2024 – ETS-Lindgren is pleased to announce its extensive contributions to the technical program at San Diego Test Equipment Symposium (SDTES) hosted by Advanced Test Equipment Corporation (ATEC). Scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at ATEC’s San Diego facility, the annual gathering attracts local engineers as well as exhibitors and speakers who travel great distances to attend, such as Larry Sheridan, EMC Systems Engineer, Test Solutions with ETS-Lindgren. Mr. Sheridan was invited to reprise his presentation and demonstration first presented at the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI 2024) in Phoenix. Titled “Reverberation Testing with Multiple Probes for ISO 11451-5, Annex G,” Mr. Sheridan’s presentation will provide an update on this new standard for automotive EMC testing. To complement the presentation lecture, Mr. Sheridan will perform a live, hands-on demonstration using ETS-Lindgren’s SMART™ 1000 reverberation chamber including the EMCenter™ EM8 chassis and EMSense™ 10 Probes. The demo will show how test engineers and technicians can monitor eight to 20 probe channels while the tuners are spinning to get reverberation test data for load and test conditions per Annex G, resulting in dramatically faster test times than other standards currently specify.


“I’m excited to be on the technical program at this year’s SDTES.  My topic is timely in addressing a new automotive EMC standard with a presentation and live demonstration,” said Mr. Sheridan. “We featured this demo in our ETS-Lindgren booth during EMC+SIPI 2024 in Phoenix; now it’s back by popular demand in San Diego! I look forward to giving the demo, as the time savings in testing is truly revolutionary for our industry,” he added.


ETS-Lindgren’s booth at SDTES will be ably staffed by Frans Stork, Regional Sales Director Americas West with ETS-Lindgren, and Representatives Eric Hahn, Ron Ahlquist, and Kevin Kiersey – all with Altamont Technical Services. Visitors to ETS-Lindgren’s booth will learn about the company’s Test and Measurement Solutions. “We look forward to participating in the SDTES this month, especially since we will have a live demo.  Demos are always a great educational learning opportunity, so that’s a unique addition to our presentation this year,” said Mr. Stork. “In addition, we are happy to support ATEC, our long-term rental partner, by staffing a booth and providing a speaker. And for those of you who aren’t aware, our speaker Larry Sheridan also enjoys talking about TILE! (Totally Integrated Laboratory Environment System) software. Please take advantage of his expertise by dropping by our booth and asking Larry a question you will make his day!”


ETS-Lindgren’s booth will showcase the popular “Top 10” brochures that share practical, application-oriented considerations to ensure successful project outcomes. Many topics are addressed – from Anechoic Absorber to Satellite Test Chambers. Click here to see the varied topics covered in ETS-Lindgren’s educational “Top 10” brochures.


For more information about ETS-Lindgren and its comprehensive range of Test and Measurement Solutions for EMC, automotive, wireless, and RF/microwave applications, click here. To learn more about ATEC, click here.


About ETS-Lindgren


ETS-Lindgren is an international manufacturer of components and systems that measure, shield, and control electromagnetic and acoustic energy.  The company’s products are used for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), microwave, wireless, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) testing, electromagnetic field (EMF) measurement, radio frequency (RF) personal safety monitoring, and control of acoustic environments.


Headquartered in Cedar Park, Texas, ETS-Lindgren has manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe, and Asia.  The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ESCO Technologies, a leading supplier of engineered products for growing industrial and commercial markets.  ESCO is a New York Stock Exchange listed company (symbol ESE) with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri.  Additional information about ETS-Lindgren is available at  Follow ETS-Lindgren on Facebook, InstagramLinkedInX, and YouTube.  Additional information about ESCO and its subsidiaries is available at



Omar Webb

Content Coordinator


Office: +1 (512) 531-2672