Hemi-Anechoic Chambers - ETS-Lindgren
Hemi-Anechoic Chambers
Product Image
Key Features
  • 80 Hz to 20 kHz (Standard Models; Custom Models Also Available)
  • 1 m to 2 m Radius Hemispherical Free Field (Custom Sizes Also Available)
  • Precision-Grade Testing
  • Engineering-Grade Testing
  • Sound Power Testing
  • Noise Control and Noise Emission Testing
  • Sound Absorption Testing
  • Transmission Loss Testing
  • Production Line Testing
  • Sound Isolation

ETS-Lindgren's Hemi-Anechoic Chambers provide engineered features that achieve outstanding acoustic testing performance results and goals without compromising acoustic concepts and budgets.
Hemi-anechoic chambers are used to perform precision- and engineering-grade testing on a wide variety of devices ranging from handheld units to large vehicles and equipment.

ETS-Lindgren's hemi-anechoic chambers are acoustic enclosures with a high-performance wall panel system that provides the low-noise environment required to test today's low-noise products. A precision-grade free-field environment is a product of the hemi-anechoic chamber's sound absorption system that consists of melamine wedges installed on a patented clip system that provides fast wedge installation and removal. Unlike other wedge solutions, melamine wedges provide a bright and fiber-free working environment.

Product Features

Frequency Range

ETS-Lindgren offers a wide range of standard hemi-anechoic chambers to meet client needs. Standard chamber models have low-frequency cut off points of 80 Hz, 100 Hz, and 160 Hz. Custom chamber designs to meet other performance specifications are available.

Free-Field Region

ETS-Lindgren Hemi-Anechoic Chambers have free-field regions with a 1 m to 2 m radius as standard. Custom size free-field regions are available.

Precision-Grade Testing

ETS-Lindgren's standard hemi-anechoic chambers are designed to comply with ISO 3745 and ISO 26101 free-field limits for both broadband and pure tone testing.

Engineering-Grade Testing

The high-quality test environment in an ETS-Lindgren Hemi-Anechoic chamber provides low environmental correction factors (K2) values for ISO 3744 sound power testing.

Product Configuration
  • Modular Steel Isolated Floor or Concrete Isolated Floor (Depends on Size and Lowest Frequency of Interest)
  • ETS-Lindgren's Patented Wedge Clip System (Wall and Ceiling Only)
  • Ventilation Silencers for HVAC or Fan Applications (Wall, Ceiling, or Internal Mounting)
  • Sealed Pendant Lamps
  • Acoustically Treated Cable Penetrations 2.54 cm and 5.08 cm (1 in and 2 in).
  • Custom Sizes Available
  • Engineered and Designed to Host-Site Ambient Conditions
  • Design Based on Performance Data that Conforms with ISO 3745 and ISO 26101 Free-Field Requirements